Thursday, February 28, 2019

5 Secrets Behind the Doors of Motivational Classrooms

Motivating students is easy.
But what isn’t easy is letting that motivation stay with them.
That is exactly the difference between impactful and not so impactful teachers. Even the best students have days when they aren’t motivated and on those days, the nudge from the teacher drives them to keep going.
So, how do these fantastic teachers let the nudge stay with the student? What is the secret behind their classes? And how are they great Motivational Speakers for their Students?

Find out with this blog. 

1. A sense of purpose

What is the purpose behind your classes?

Why should students listen to you?

The first characteristic of an impactful teacher is a sense of purpose. Everything you say should hold a convincing reason for the students to connect with.  Speaking pious words isn’t enough, answer their ‘why’ or ‘how.’

Once you establish that, the impact will definitely not fade once the students step out of the classroom.

2. Growth mindset v/s fixed mindset

Most of us do not take failure positively. We have been induced to believe that failure and struggle shouldn’t be a part of your journey.

That gives birth to a fixed mindset. Wherein one believes that people are born without certain abilities and talents.

Whereas every successful person and teacher drives the young minds towards the growth mindset. You shouldn’t let the students forget that each failure comes with a lesson, which if imbibed positively, can make world of a difference.

Praise the students for every little effort they make. Drive them to be learners.

3. A community of learners

Learning can only happen in a no-judgment zone. The struggle should be acceptable and encouraged in the classroom.

Lecturing and taking notes will make good students but failure, independent work, and understanding will make good learners.

Conduct activities that create a community of learners. Promote collaborative group work where they can process information and develop a ‘problem-solving ability’.

Encourage them to ask questions, reason, and only believe after they are fully convinced. They should be participants in their own learning instead of a mere witness to the teacher’s knowledge.

4. Motivate them to set achievable goals

Where are the students headed? Can you make them figure that out?

Motivation doesn’t mean telling the student to reach to the moon. Motivation means to help the student identify what takes to reach to the moon and the grit, well, it will come along.

Guide the students towards creating achievable goals. Aiming directly towards the bigger picture will only leave them unmotivated. Instead promote them to take baby steps, which will instill purpose and motivation.

Maintaining unrealistic expectations hinders learning and will become a demotivating factor.

5. Inspirational

If you don’t practice what you preach then how will your students?

Be an example, an inspiration to them.

Excellent educators have inspired, challenged, and motivated their students. You should be enough of a reason to lead them towards learning for the love of knowledge, willingness to reason, and hard work.

Once they are convinced with your knowledge, they will closely pay attention to your behavior, choices, and process.

Teachers have the most challenging and one of the most fulfilling jobs.  You are the guide, inspiration, and Motivational Speaker for your Students.
Do you want to learn the art of leaving a lasting motivation with your students?
Learn it from the best. Billy Riggs is one of the most renowned, entertaining, and fun motivational speakers. His sessions aren’t just limited to motivation but are a blend of comedy and magical tricks.
His presentations have helped many educators find a purpose and helped them become empathetic teachers. You’re going to take a lot back through his moving and inspiring words.
His visit to your school will be one of the most special memories.
Visit the website today to find out more about his work