Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Managing Your Core Teaching Staff with Humorous Seminars

Our education system doesn’t always give students and teaching staff a breather. It is quite much expected that both groups do feel exhausted by the end of the day. To maintain the harmony of the school system, you can step up and do something about it. Rather than applying force and issuing strict rules, why not opt for a fun seminar?
To manage students, you have to manage your teaching staff first. They are the ones who regularly and directly interact with students. To see more positive results year after year, you need to focus on your core teaching staff. This means taking some pressure off them and giving them some time to relax.
Don’t just look for Motivational Speakers for Education when you can have it combined with humor and magic!  Billy Riggs is the person that uses this trinity to spell a cast of long-lasting motivating on your staff. Know more about him at

Here is how fun seminars will keep your teaching staff happy.

1. You will be giving them a sense of understanding

As a director of the school, taking this action is an act of understanding their position. You would go on to show that you empathize with their daily struggle and stress on the job. Formulating a seminar that focuses on motivating them in a fun way would ignite their spirit.

2. They would learn how to manage their stress better

There are a lot of things that gets on one’s nerve while teaching. When the teachers attend a seminar by motivational speakers for education, they’d know that these people know where they are coming from. They would be able to relate to the stories and learn how to manage their stress better.

3. There are a lot of take-away points to note

Motivational Speakers for Education would already know what it takes to be on the job. So they would have their own words of wisdom to share. This would help many teachers to learn something new and incorporate these things in their teaching style. These tips would help them balance their professional and personal lives.
Find the combination of humor and motivation with a pinch of magic at Billy Rigg’s seminars! Contact him at now.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

5 Public Speaking Skills You Need to Have to Put up a Gripping Show

Quick Fact: Public speaking is one of the greatest and most common fears.

It’s understandable as well. Hundreds of eyes staring at you, while you try to make a point, can make anyone’s palms sweaty.

Even professional public speakers struggle with it.

The major fear kicks in when you realize that no one is really paying attention. You need to be on top of your game to keep their senses hooked.

So which public speaking skills do you need to not let the audience yawn?

Read till the end to find out.

1. Speaking for the audience

The difference between great public speakers and average Joes is this one right here - speaking for the audience.

Great public speakers put the needs of the audience before their own. Before you begin to craft your speech, consider who the message is intended for.

Would they appreciate technical content? Would humor work for them? What level of information would be ideal?

Learn as much as you can about your listeners and assess their needs to draft a compelling speech.

2. Clear articulation

If they can’t hear you, how do you expect them to pay attention?

As a speaker, you need to have proper command over the correct articulation. Speak loudly, don’t mess up the grammar, and don’t “umm” after every other sentence.

Public speaking is nothing less than performance. Therefore, it needs to be prepared and practiced. Don’t memorize but familiarize yourself with the content, so you don’t end up pausing excessively. Also, practice the right pace, so you don’t finish early or drag it on.

3. Interaction

Are you the only one speaking? Or are you involving the audience too?

Do they feel a part of this whole setup? If they don’t, you aren’t doing it right.

Play a game, pose a question, do a magic trick (if you can). Billy Riggs speeches are power packed with humor, magic tricks, and enchantment. That is why the audience is on the edge of their seats throughout his session.

His Live Speech Coaching isn’t just information but entertaining too. He communicates with clarity and passion and makes sure to instill the same into the audiences.

Check this video, where Billy motivates the audience through some really cool magic tricks.

4. Activate all senses

The more senses (hearing, taste, sight, touch, and smell) you activate and engage, the more the audience will be interested.

For example, by showing a video, performing an actor playing a tune, you engage them with different senses.

5. Build a plot

Hold the brains of the audience by building a plot.

Don’t jump to the point straight away. Give them something to think, something to reason, build a puzzle.

Slowly reveal the parts of the puzzle, unfolding each detail with something interesting.

Be unpredictable and hold attention.

This is what takes to build a great public speaker.

Gaining all this is a lot of hard work. Nothing worth comes easy, right?

But you can learn from the best. Billy Riggs’ live speech coaching depicts his years of hard work, passion, and thinking. The illusions, dynamic speaking style, and gripping storytelling keep the audience hooked to his voice.
Learn more about public speaking, motivation, teaching, and more. Visit the website for details

Thursday, February 28, 2019

5 Secrets Behind the Doors of Motivational Classrooms

Motivating students is easy.
But what isn’t easy is letting that motivation stay with them.
That is exactly the difference between impactful and not so impactful teachers. Even the best students have days when they aren’t motivated and on those days, the nudge from the teacher drives them to keep going.
So, how do these fantastic teachers let the nudge stay with the student? What is the secret behind their classes? And how are they great Motivational Speakers for their Students?

Find out with this blog. 

1. A sense of purpose

What is the purpose behind your classes?

Why should students listen to you?

The first characteristic of an impactful teacher is a sense of purpose. Everything you say should hold a convincing reason for the students to connect with.  Speaking pious words isn’t enough, answer their ‘why’ or ‘how.’

Once you establish that, the impact will definitely not fade once the students step out of the classroom.

2. Growth mindset v/s fixed mindset

Most of us do not take failure positively. We have been induced to believe that failure and struggle shouldn’t be a part of your journey.

That gives birth to a fixed mindset. Wherein one believes that people are born without certain abilities and talents.

Whereas every successful person and teacher drives the young minds towards the growth mindset. You shouldn’t let the students forget that each failure comes with a lesson, which if imbibed positively, can make world of a difference.

Praise the students for every little effort they make. Drive them to be learners.

3. A community of learners

Learning can only happen in a no-judgment zone. The struggle should be acceptable and encouraged in the classroom.

Lecturing and taking notes will make good students but failure, independent work, and understanding will make good learners.

Conduct activities that create a community of learners. Promote collaborative group work where they can process information and develop a ‘problem-solving ability’.

Encourage them to ask questions, reason, and only believe after they are fully convinced. They should be participants in their own learning instead of a mere witness to the teacher’s knowledge.

4. Motivate them to set achievable goals

Where are the students headed? Can you make them figure that out?

Motivation doesn’t mean telling the student to reach to the moon. Motivation means to help the student identify what takes to reach to the moon and the grit, well, it will come along.

Guide the students towards creating achievable goals. Aiming directly towards the bigger picture will only leave them unmotivated. Instead promote them to take baby steps, which will instill purpose and motivation.

Maintaining unrealistic expectations hinders learning and will become a demotivating factor.

5. Inspirational

If you don’t practice what you preach then how will your students?

Be an example, an inspiration to them.

Excellent educators have inspired, challenged, and motivated their students. You should be enough of a reason to lead them towards learning for the love of knowledge, willingness to reason, and hard work.

Once they are convinced with your knowledge, they will closely pay attention to your behavior, choices, and process.

Teachers have the most challenging and one of the most fulfilling jobs.  You are the guide, inspiration, and Motivational Speaker for your Students.
Do you want to learn the art of leaving a lasting motivation with your students?
Learn it from the best. Billy Riggs is one of the most renowned, entertaining, and fun motivational speakers. His sessions aren’t just limited to motivation but are a blend of comedy and magical tricks.
His presentations have helped many educators find a purpose and helped them become empathetic teachers. You’re going to take a lot back through his moving and inspiring words.
His visit to your school will be one of the most special memories.
Visit the website today to find out more about his work

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Corporate event ideas that you can plan organizing now

Corporate jobs can feel like a schedule stuck in a rut. But when corporate organizations take the responsibility of cheering their employees with meaningful and fun activities and events, they boost their morale. In the end, employees are working for the corporate agenda. So why not make them feel important, appreciated, and valued? They spend the whole day in the office working for a singular goal relentlessly. Salary is not enough to make them feel appreciated. 
When you empathize with their stress, shortcomings and even burnout days, you would see that they would return the favor. A good mix of work and play makes every employee sharp and on their toes. They should feel that they have a meaning in their role. Without motivation and without a clear vision, they would slack off.    

What are the things that you can do to boost their spirit and cheer them up? We are going to list some events that you can organize to make a difference. From inviting the best motivational speaker in Texas to organizing office trips, there are many things that you can do.
Here are the things that you can start planning now:
  1. Celebrating diverse culture with respective event: - You can show your employees that you care about them and celebrate their culture by celebrating something about it. You can host a cultural day where every person does something that represents their culture. And with that thought, you can plan on different things that would make this event a spectacular success.
  2. Laughing out stress and learning how to manage it as well: - This can be solely done by Billy Riggs – the best motivational speaker in Texas. He is a 3-in-1 package. He is a magician, a comedian, and also a motivational speaker. This is a unique combination of roles that actually help employees laugh off their stress and even manage it. This motivational speaker knows how to break a spell of silence and convert into laughter and profoundness. 
  3. Organizing office trips-Be it a little picnic, a competition or even visiting someplace a little further off the local areas, it is a good plan to bond. You can organize a trip, which would include every socializing activity that would help even the most introvert employees to socialize with at least 3 different people the same day. 
These are the things that you can do to motivate your employees and ensure that the wheels run smoothly. Contact the best motivational speaker in Texas, Billy Riggs at Know more about him and his impressive profile on his website now.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Identify motivation killer streak in your leadership style

Nobody wakes up every day to feel underwhelmed or unproductive. Everyone has a goal, an expectation, which they want to fulfill by clearing the agenda for the day. They may have planned on how to grow in their career and life. But life has never always been fair or predictable. But it favors the brave and unwavering. Adopting that attitude is neither easy nor natural and on top of that, when we are de-motivated by our employer, we may just lose that spark little by little or all together. 
As an employer, you would want the staff to work efficiently but they are also counting on you. They are looking for a guide who will assign them their task, appreciate their work, and give an appraisal. Every human loves to work toward a goal but if they are criticized bitterly on their way, they may not spring up as a coil of steel. The tiger approach works temporarily. For better result, you need to get back to the human and humane approach to motivation. But before we speak about that, we should explore the motivational killing trait you might have in your leadership style. If you identify these things in your leadership style, you can take help of the best motivational speaker in Austin. Motivational speaker should not just energize you with their words but also have a profound impact on you. Billy Riggs knows how to do that with a touch of magic, illusion, and comedy. Know more about this Austin motivational speaker at
Here are the things you need to identify and stop doing:

1.Blaming the person rather than identifying the problem
Imagine this, you are having a hard time but you are generally a responsible person. If you get into a slip-up or delay something and all of your credentials are flushed down by your boss’s reprimand, would you ever feel motivated for the next day? The answer would be “No” for a majority of the time. But if you are gently reminded that work is being delayed and you’d like to see more effort from the employee, they would not take it too personally. Detaching their potential from the setback works a long way.

2.Thinking that publically disgracing is the best idea
It may work in movies that they will spring up to be their most efficient self. But to most, it is counterproductive. That might get your work done but it will breed contempt. That’s not how one should treat their employees. If you have to be firm, be firm in demonstrating consequences. But disgracing them publically in front of all the other employees is mostly counterproductive. 

3.Not indulging in team building activity
It is quite possible that everyone in the corporate world feels like they are the lone wolf waiting for an opportunity to strike back. But in reality, we all are a team, furthering for a common goal. This bond will not be highlighted unless there is no team building session. There is no us versus them in a team. And if you always felt that you are working alone or your team feels the same, then you need to tweak things to the right direction. A motivational session might help. Get the best Austin motivational speaker, Billy Riggs, to do his magic. He has this unbelievable quality of bringing people together in agreement and laughter. Visit to know more.

4.Believing bossing around is the best way to efficiency
We know that you must be hiring graduates or fresh out of college students as interns and employees. But what you need to give them is space and some confidence to make decisions on their own. Surely, it is a good idea to keep them in check for a month or so, but after they get a hold of how things work in the office, you should let them be. Let them be creative and let them be the adults they are aspiring to be. Bossing them around will make them under confident and dependent on you for everything.
These are the four major things you should stop doing if you are. Arrange a socializing event/party and let them know each other well. Also, having a motivational session would help them to identify flaws in their patterns without taking it all personally or fatally. Motivational sessions are a non-personal way for employees to analyze their work patterns and identify flaws. Then they will be able to work on it. Billy Riggs is the best motivational speaker in Austin that can help you with that. He not only will floor you with burning enthusiasm, but will tickle your bones with comedy, and keep you hooked with his magician tricks. Add laughter, motivation, and some magic to motivational sessions with this Austin motivational speaker. Visit to know more about him.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Motivational Speaker in Texas

Love thy neighbor’s as yourself, but it becomes harder as we course through life, meeting a variety of people. We would rather want to be surrounded with people we know. It becomes easier to work with them. But when we enter any corporate sector where we have to work with a variety of people with different personalities, understanding, temper, and culture, it can be a mess. But it is also a fact that a powerhouse only builds with diversity. Each component is vital to the big picture. But how do they mesh well together? From power struggles to stereotyping to anything, there are a number of issues one can face in a corporate sector. No one, as a firm, wants to deem itself as torturing to their employee. And no employer wants to feel hated for the work they give to their employees. Can this misunderstanding be cleared and sorted? Yes, it can.

Not only do company trips make bonding easier but also motivational sessions. What do they do? They target on the friction and help employer-employees relationship work smoothly as a team. Billy Riggs is a Motivational Speaker in Texas who is not only that but also a magician and a comedian. He encompasses the trinity of an impactful motivational speaker. Join in the Holy Grail of corporate success with the help of corporate motivational sessions with Billy Riggs at 
Here are the reasons why corporate motivational sessions work:
1. It focuses on the fair share of problem everyone has in the office
From work stress to managing your life out of the corporate circle, we all need to have a balance to have a productive output every day. And it doesn’t take natural talent to do it but hard work and patience. Without a guide, your work can go futile and get you even more frustrated. Corporate motivational session’s focuses on problems we all share inside and outside of the office.

2. They improve corporate relationships within the firm
Are you feeling powerless as a manager or as an employee? Do you feel your message is not being heard? Is this your problem or a collective problem? How do you address it to the concerned? These are the things that can greatly improve any corporate relations. No one has to stereotypically hate one’s boss and neither do one has to bestereotypically hated for being an employee. Sometimes, stereotypes are in our head and not in the actions. Corporate motivational session will help you bring your focus to the center.

3. They help to improve the client-firm relationship
A lot of things go into handling customer-business relationship. And there are times when an employee can feel their temper rising while communicating with a difficult customer. There are many times we take these corporate failures personally, which we don’t have to. And this can make any firm feel low. The team can get affected. But with corporate motivational sessions, you can see the brighter side and be inspired to bring out realistic solutions for the impeding problem. Billy Riggs is the perfect motivational speaker in Texas to teach you a lesson or two in handling pressure from clients, your boss, and your colleagues. Laugh and learn with Billy Riggs at 

4. No blame games
Rather than pulling up each and every employee and nitpick on their mistakes, if we collectively address the problem as a whole then things could turn for better. If you feel there is some kind on animosity amongst your staff and that is clogging the wheel, then with effective corporate motivational sessions, they can identify the faults in themselves without being shamed publically or personally. This works effectively in every corporate culture.

5. Laugh and learn than strict and stern
We all make mistakes and everyone has a fair share of their own personal problem. We cannot always leave our problems at home and work with a fresh mind at our work desk. So rather being strict and stern about the problem, one can motivate their employees with encouragement and support. This helps greatly for individual growth as well as for the team’s growth as a whole. With corporate motivational sessions, no one will be made to feel bad about having to deal with their problems and performing poorly. Rather, they would be enlightened about the ways how they can work through their problem and feel important as being a part of the team.
These are some of the many benefits that corporate motivational sessions can bring to the table. And who can be better than Billy Riggs to make this happen? All motivational speakers can speak, but how many can captivate you with their sense of humor and magic tricks? Billy Riggs can. So be ready to be tickled, enthralled, and motivated with this motivational speaker in Texas. Visit to know more about him and his motivational speaking session. Witness a productive change in your company.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

How motivational sessions can improve corporate structure

Motivation acts as our will to live. When you talk about life, you talk about motivation. What motivates you to do things that you are doing right now? Every moment you spend has a purpose and motivation drives it. Without motivation, you are lifeless and feel dead inside. This is not a pretty picture if you want to paint the beauty of life. You should always try and fail than not try at all. Motivation shouldn’t be to just succeed but learn, try multiple times, and eventually succeed. Most of us want to have it all, but ask those who have it all if they are truly happy. Most of the people run towards the superficial meaning of success that constrains itself to name, fame, and money. But where is happiness?
When you climb at the top of the mountain and find yourself alone, suicide seems to be the option to come back to the ground. And that is what people who have not really been enlightened what success is, choose to do with their life. Humans are programmed to love and enjoy things that money can’t buy, rest all the things are complementary. And when you reprogram yourself to only be a money-making machine, your heart and soul nods in disagreement. That should never be your motive out of any corporation.

Billy Riggs is a sound, wise, and funny motivational speaker who will show you the way. People wield magic through their words, he uses magic and illusion to make a point. The style of his motivation is non-confrontational so no one feels guilty about not being the best version of themselves today. He makes it easier for people to laugh at their own selves, realize what they are doing wrong, and willingly make a change with enthusiasm. You can appoint this funny motivational speaker for corporate events at his website at

Here are the reasons why corporate structures can be improved with motivational sessions:
  1. Every employee need to feel valued and heard: No one wants to feel that they are good for nothing. And when this thing translates in their work, you need to talk to them about the things that are bothering them. Having a personal session with your employee can help in reinforcing that the company cares about their employees. You can hold a corporate meeting to emphasize on this point. Also, group motivational sessions are found out to be highly benefiting both the employee and the company.
  2. No one likes a confrontational argument: When we assert force, threat, reprimanding, etc. as a stick to make them focus on work and produce results, we treat them like sub-humans. Soft skills and power will always triumph over harsh dealing. When an employee is being yelled at, you can get temporary success in getting the work done but it will fail in making a good rapport with the company and the employee. Motivational session will acknowledge their positive while gently make them acknowledge where they are going wrong and how it can be helped.
  3. A little motivation goes a long way: Be it incentive in cash or in kind, everyone likes it. If you take steps to motivate your employees, they will be more willing to work. There will be less of excuses for them to give when they really start to enjoy work and living in a supportive work environment. Also, giving them space and faith for improvement, they can turn 180 degrees in positive curvature. Billy Riggs is the best funny motivational speaker who can tickle your brains with humor and fuel you with motivation.
  4. Motivation reduces problems that hinder success: No one deliberately wants to be a bad employee. Sometimes workplace works as their sole hope or sole place where they can express their creativity and feel appreciated for their hard work. When motivation starts to lack, they also start to lose meaning in their job. This then results in absenteeism, poor performance, lack of concentration, higher burnout rate and what not. Corporate system is still a society where everyone has a goal, purpose, and motive by which they will help the company to prosper through their dedicated service. Hence, they need to find meaning in their roles and also know that what they are doing is important
  5. Motivation leads to individualistic career growth: How can you judge if the intern you hired can be the next CEO of the company? Or how do you know they are being so much burdened that they will quit their job the next day? Adequate motivation leads to individualistic career growth. Your employees will become more productive, responsive, and responsible. It will boost their satisfaction with their job, boost their development, and also efficiency.
  6. Having regular motivational sessions are found to be useful: Not everyone is born with nerves of steel and willpower that can conquer the world. Motivation on a regular basis, through sessions and small incentives, can do wonders for gaining loyalty, respect, and satisfactory results from your employees.
To run a great company, you have to be a great leader. And to be a great leader, you need to make sure that people who work for you love to work for you. And to ensure that, you need to motivate them for the higher goal and incentives that come along with it. Creating a supportive environment boosts creativity and productivity, which is vital for any company. Billy Riggs is the best motivational speaker when it comes to spreading positivity and encouragement through motivational sessions. He is a magician, illusionist, and comedian who know how to motivate the right way. Visit to know more about this funny motivational speaker.